European LETS Tour Report #6: Belgium & Germany
Topics: 1) Bonn "General Anzeiger article (German); 2) Amsterdam; 
3) Antwerp LETS; 4) Hamburg LETS; 5) Nurnberg LETS; 6) Muenster LETS 
with Zeitung article (German); 7) Translations. 
     JCT: My presentation is becoming smoother as I go along and I'll 
publish a recap of the final version in my last reports. The German 
newspaper articles are not fully translated yet but I'll post the 
German version now and the translations later. They're almost 
embarrassingly friendly. 
     JCT: Ma presentation devient de plus en plus clair a mesure que 
le voyage s'acheve et je publierai la version finale dans mon dernier 
rapport. Les articles des journaux Allemands ne sont pas tout a fait 
traduites mais je vais publier les versions allemandes maintenant et 
les traductions plus tard. Elles sont meme un peu trop flattantes. 
1) Bonn: General Anzeiger July 3 1999
Die spannenden Abenteuer des Ingenieurs
Von Christina Martinstetter
Picture caption: Den Banken und dem Staat hat John Turmel, der derzeit 
zusammen mit seiner Frau Pauline eine Europareise unternimmt den Kampf 
angesagt. Foto Max Malsch
BESUCH "Schael-Sick-Tauschring" begrusste einen illustren Gast aus 
Kanada: John C. Turmel ist der Gruender zahlreicher "Tauschringe" in 
seinem Heimatland und erzaehlte von seinem wechselvollen Leben
     Schwarzrheindorf - "Guerilla-Anwalt", "Blackjack Koenig" oder 
"Der Welt reichster Armer" sind nur einige der vielen Spitznamen, die 
John C. "The Engineer" Turmel von den verschiedensten Medien verliehen 
bekam, Der Kanadier sorgte insbesondere in seinem Heimatland bereits 
fuer unzaehlige Schlagzeilen. Und immer wieder zeigen Zeitungen und 
Fernsehen das gleiche Bild: Turmel mit einem weissen Helm, auf dem in 
grossen Lettern "The Engineer" geschrieben steht, und einer Bibel in 
der einen sowie einem Streikschild in der anderen Hand, das "Abolish 
Interest Rates" ("Schafft die Zinsen ab") fordert. Am Mittwoch abend 
war die schillernde Person zu Gast in Beuel.
     Den Banken und dem Staat hat der studierte Ingenieur den Kampf 
angesagt, da diese Institutionen die Menschen durch Zinsen und Steuern 
in die Verschuldung trieben. Aus diesem Grund ist er auch ein 
leidenschaftlicher Anhaenger und Gruender von zahlreichen "Local 
Employment Trading Systems," Kurz LETS, die auch in Deutschland unter 
dem Namen "Tauschringe" bekannt sind. Diese basieren auf dem Prinzip 
"Tausche Arbeit gegen Arbeit" und nicht gegen Bezahlung. Bundesweit 
gibt es davon mittlerweile 229, und immer wieder entstehen neue. 
Derzeit befinden sich Turmel und seine Frau Pauline auf einer 
Europareise. Diese fuehrte das originelle Paar jetzt auch auf die 
Sonnenseite Bonns, um dem erst im Februar gegruendeten "Schael-Sick-
Tauschring" einen Besuch abzustatten. Die Stippvisite war zwar kurz, 
dafuer aber um so informativer und interessanter. Fast drei Stunden 
lang lauschten etwa 20 "Tauschringler," die sich im Hotel Mertens an 
der Rheindorfer Strasse versammelt hatten, den Worten ihres illustren 
     Mit seiner temperamentvoll und eindringlich vorgetragenen 
Lebensgeschichte zog Turmel die Zuhoerer sofort in seinen Bann. Denn 
was der Kanadier erzaehlte, waere unter dem Titel "Die unglaubliche 
Lebensgeschichte des John C. Turmel" auch ein guter Anwaerter fuer die 
Bestsellerlisten der Belletristik. Das war jedoch auch Turmel bewusst. 
Und um seine Glaubwuerdigkeit und die Wahrheit des Berichts der 
einzelnen Lebensstationen zu unterstreichen, belegte er jede einzelne 
mit Zeitungsartikeln. Hunderte davon, die Zeitungen aus aller Herren 
Laender entstammen, hat der Kanadier in einem dicken Band gesammelt. 
Der traegt den klangvollen Titel: "Die Abenteuer von John "The 
Engineer" Turmel." 
     Und die waren wirklich spannend: John C. Turmel erblickte am 22. 
Februar 1951 in Rouyn/Quebec das Licht der Welt. Nach einer sehr 
erfolgreichen Schullaufbahn schrieb er sich 1974 auf der "Carleton 
University" in Ottawa/Ontario. fuer das Fach "Electrical Engineering" 
ein. Auch dort erwies er sich als "Star" Student. Mit ganz besonderem 
Interesse und Engagement widmete sich der junge Mann einem Kursus, den 
Professor Walter Schneider im letzten Semester anbot und der sich "Die 
Mathematik des Spielens" nannte. "Das war der erste und einzige Kursus 
seiner Art in ganz Kanada" erzaehlte Turmel. Ich schloss ihn mit der 
Note "A+" der bestmoeglichen ueberhaupt, ab." 
     Eine Leidenschaft war neugeweckt und veraenderte sein Leben. "Von 
1975 bis 1978 wurde ich professioneller Spieler, gleichzeitig 
Professor Schneiders Lehrassistent", so Turmel. In diesen Jahren 
unternahm er mehr als 50 viertaegige Exkursionen in die zahlreichen 
Casinos von Las Vegas." Doch den dortigen Casinos war der Kanadier ein 
viel zu erfolgreicher Blackjack-Spieler und damit auch ein eher 
unliebsamer Gast. Turmel erhielt Hausverbot. 
     Eine Zusammenfassung seines weiteren, wechselvollen Lebens bis 
zum heutigen Tag zu geben, ist schwer. Festzuhalten ist in jedem Fall 
folgendes: 1976 schloss Turmel sein Studium ab, doch er spielte 
weiter. Im Jahre 1979 begann er damit, sich als Kandidat fuer das 
Parlament aufstellen zu lassen. An erster Front, so glaubte der 
Kanadier, koenne er besser fuer sein grosses Ziel, die Legalisierung 
des Gluecksspiels, kaempfen. Seine Versuche, zum Abgeordneten eines 
kommunalen oder nationalen Parlaments gewaehlt zu werden, brachten 
Turmel zwei Eintraege ins Guinness Buch der Rekorde: An 47 Wahlen nahm 
der Kanadier bis heute teil. Rekord Nummer zwei: Genauso oft, und 
damit ist Turmel auch weltweiter Spitzenreiter, hat er auch verloren. 
Zwei Casinos eroeffnete der Kanadier im Laufe der Jahre. Etliche Male 
wanderte Turmel wegen seiner Spielleidenschaft ins Gefaengnis. 
     Auch heute noch lebt das Ehepaar von den Gewinnen, die der 
pfiffige Kopf Turmel beim Blackjack-Spiel erzielt. Darueber hinaus 
reisen die beiden Kanadier um die ganze Welt und besuchen die 
Tauschringe und LETS aller Herren Laender. Den Beueler 
"Tauschringlern" gab "The Engineer" mit auf den Weg: "Bewahrt euch 
euren Tauschring. Es gibt so viele Gelegenheiten, bei denen er euch 
helfen kann." 
     Der "Schael-Sick Tauschring" hat das Vereinslokal gewechselt. Die 
folgenden Treffen finden am Mittwoch, 21 Jul, 1999, 18. August und 8. 
September, jeweils ab 19Uhr im Hotel Mertens, Rheindorfer Strasse 134 
statt. Weitere Informationen erteilt Brigitte Guenther-Sun, unter 
     JCT: See:
3) Amsterdam July 13
     We took a day to visit Amsterdam. We were a little saddened by 
such a beautiful city being littered with garbage. As we sitting in 
restaurant, Pauline struck a conversation with a gentleman who joined 
us for dinner. He asked what she thought of their fair city and when 
she answered that it was too bad that such a beautiful city had to be 
so dirty, I knew we'd have to get into LETS to explain why. 
     I mentioned that the only reason Pauline could feel this way was 
that she was aware of the LETS program which could put the young to 
work cleaning up cities. Then we got into a whole discussion of how 
timedollars and LETS could accomplish that. The guy stayed with me all 
     When I asked him what he did, he said that he was involved in the 
justice system dealing with probationers. So naturally, a LETS paid 
community service program had to interest him. I asked him if he was 
in the policy or enforcement and when he admitted "some policy," I 
knew that I might have stumbled onto someone looking for a better way. 
     I find these kinds of coincidences interesting. You never know 
when someone who might have the power to implement a government 
sponsored LETS will see it as a way out of his "no money" predicament. 
3) Antwerp LETS July 14
     We visited with Robert Siera who is a computer programmer deeply 
involved with the Antwerp LETS. At the meeting, I spoke 2.5 hours with 
no need of translation to about 15 people including three from the new 
Vivant political party. They have one elected member in the Belgium 
Parliament and I urged them to push all political parties to promote 
LETS. Belgium just threw out their old government and the new 
government is a coalition of parties including the Greens. This is 
important because the Greens are also represented in the German and 
the Finnish Parliaments. If the Canadian, American, British Greens 
already endorse LETS, they could be persuaded to promote a national 
and European LETS more forcefully. With the help of the Greens from 
other nations, they could champion LETS in the European Parliament for 
     One amusing fact is that Robert lives in the suburb of "Mortsel" 
in Antwerp which in French might be translated into "mort=dead" 
"sel=LETS." "DeadLets" may be the name but I don't think that will be 
with Robert working on the job. 
     My presentation was well received and the LETSers and politicians 
then spent time discussing in Belgian how they could cooperate. Again, 
Pauline's report will contain much more of the more personal 
information but Robert was a pleasure to meet. 
     I was speaking to one girl as she was leaving and she told me 
happily that she'd earned her bicycle and accessories on LETS. 
     I think Rob crystalized perfectly the kind of complementary tag-
team Pauline and I represent. He said "You pound, pound, pound it into 
the brain, Pauline caresses, caresses, caresses it in," with pounding 
his fist and then caressing hand
     I am quite aware of Pauline's effect on people. She is a true 
empath. After 5 minutes with Pauline, you feel like chuckling. After 
10, you've been laughing for 4. 
     Usually, on our trips, Pauline does the driving and I do the 
sleeping and working while on the road. But this trip, we had a 
standard transmission which Pauline doesn't drive so it fell to me. 
But this allowed Pauline to stay up late with our hosts and thoroughly 
charm them by presenting the softer sides of our project. 
     I often wonder if she isn't more effective a speaker than me. I 
keep presenting the great new technical aspects while she keep 
presenting the great new social results. 
     I have absolutely no doubt that Pauline in now one of the finest 
LETS speakers that I know. She can enthrall audiences for hours with 
the stories of how LETS have helped poor people cope. Something I 
don't have the time to do. She actually imparts a fervor for the 
beneficial upgrade to LETS money that I can't seem to do. 
     Sure they were mostly all enthusiastic about the future potential 
of spending their LETS credits anywhere in the world but stressing how 
LETS was supporting them right now while they were fighting for the 
global fix made her pitch uniquely valuable. 
     I really think I'm going to save up to send her on her own 
speaking tour of Europe again. She's been invited to spend a month in 
Somali to help them set up some LETSystems, maybe she could get two 
birds with one stone and do a speaking tour before or after Africa. 
     But I don't apologize if I pound it into people's heads. After 
all, people are still dying of their debts around the world. But to 
have someone to skillfully massage the technical message into their 
social consciousness seems an invaluable trump. I can be as brutal as 
I want with those who disagree knowing she heals the bruised egos that 
may result. After all, if you want to argue with the banking systems 
engineer about the banking system, there's a higher than average  
probability that you're wrong.
     So with Pauline to stroke, caress and massage the social 
implications in, I can pound, pound, pound the technical ones in. 
Without making enemies. 
     I think that when they finally publish the controversy about 
holding a dialogue with Turmel in France, we'll see that those we won 
over to the bigger picture won't be shaken. The controversy about me 
is taking place on a listserv which is only open 
to French LETSers and to which I may not subscribe. Those French 
listservs to which access is granted and I can reply, sel-info and 
saloir, have not carried any of that information. But I know the 
effect that Pauline's had and doubt that anyone can have found very 
much to criticize me for her smoothing my cutting edges. 
4) Hamburg LETS meeting July 15
     We got to the Hamburg meeting at 5 minutes late. Birgit Koch had 
arranged a large room with about 40 Hamburg LETS members. Again, the 
speech was well received even though many aspects had to be cut short 
due to the need for translation. Still, when I heard some members 
explaining some points to the others, it meant that they'd got them 
and would be able to explain them from then on. 
     As usual, the LETS Smartcard and Email LETS by Internet Service 
providers are emerging as the most dazzling exhibits. They readily 
saw all the advantages of a high-velocity paper medium and promoting 
savings with Consignment stores and Pensioners accounts. 
     But I expanded the notion of saturation triggers. Municipal 
saturation triggers would be getting the telephone or power companies 
or municipal government using and accepting LETS. 
     But the notion of the Global saturation trigger of getting our 
Internet Service Providers to offer email LETS accounts in Hours 
exploded onto the debate arena. 
     Solving non-skilled members' negative accounts by getting them to 
host visitors trading accommodations was another big hit. Several LETS 
Travel networks have been and are being implemented. Now it's just a 
matter of getting them all onto one database. 
     And as usual, at every presentation, I play the "mort-gage" 
death-gamble on the Interest Island and the same game on the LETS 
"Service Charge" Island. Nothing brings home the silliness of interest 
better and it often leaves people stunned. 
     I could tell that one member couldn't see the difference since 
the banker on LETS Island was getting paid the same 20% in service 
charge as the banker on Interest Island had demanded. A couple of guys 
took over and explained quite forcefully why everyone on Interest 
Island ended up broke and everyone on LETS Island, including the 
banker, prospered year after year. 
     See: or for French. 
     After the meeting, we went out to a pub with some of the members. 
A couple of them pulled out copies of the Bonn General Anzeiger 
article to show me. It was huge and very complimentary. 
     Rheinhold Kisse mentioned that he had organized an inter-LETS 
trading network for the 10 Hamburg systems. I suggested he take the 
next step and try organizing the same thing for all of Germany's LETS 
so we could trade with France's LETS. 
     I realize that these reports may be short but it's basically the 
same speech over and over again and Pauline's report will be much more 
5) Nurnberg LETS July 16
     Then we zoomed down to Nurnberg and arrived at the meeting place 
at exactly the same time as Heinrich Haussmann. They'd arranged a nice 
supper for about 20 people. Heinrich had been at the Jubilee 2000 
festival where I'd ad-libbed my way onto the stage to speak about 
Tauschrings. He gave us some pictures he'd taken of me on stage which 
was handy because Pauline isn't sure if her camera had malfunctioned 
at that point. 
     One key point raised was whether the government would step in to 
stop LETS once it got really big like the Austrian government had 
stepped in to stop the local currency experiment after Worgl had 
eliminated their unemployment problem. Worgl then shared the Great 
Depression with the rest of world. Unemployment and poverty again 
arose and the Bank of Austria could report that the elimination of 
unemployment had been successfully averted. 
     I could only point out that with the governments of Australia, 
United States and Great Britain making LETS earnings for the poor non-
taxable, such support would certainly prevent other governments from 
opposing a system supported by these large governments. I think LETS 
is now too well-entrenched for any government to stop it. But I will 
work on a much more complete listing under the Government Endorsements 
section. There are so many political parties to list that it's quite a 
daunting task. 
     Again, we met another Jubilee 2000, Dirk Bruhl. Again I got to 
point out that if they were successful in their demand to have the 
banks cancel the debts of 42 Third World countries, then the banks 
reserves would go down and they'd have to call in 10, 20, 30 times 
that amount in our loans. All a man has to accept is that forgiving 
that debt means they'll demand he pay off his mortgage at the same 
time they demand a whole lot of other people pay off theirs. The 
banking system as it is now wired up is designed to crash. 
     Forgiving the debt can't happen. The G8 leaders only threw them a 
small bone this year. This is the reason so many official groups and 
politicians can jump on their bandwagon. You can promote it all 
you want knowing the repercussions are to great for it to ever be 
     But focusing on the debt growth, stabilizing the debt growth, 
before we look into the question of what should forgiven, is the only 
way to go. Try telling the guy whose car you want to buy on payments 
that you believe in writing off debts and you might not get the car. 
Tell him you won't pay interest might still get you the car. So I 
sincerely hope that all these Jubilee 2000 supporters we met at TOES, 
ATTAC, many LETS meeting, try to get Jubilee 2000 to focus on the 
objectionable part of the debt and not the honorable part too. 
     The next day, Heinrich showed us brought us to two booths that 
the Nurnberg LETS had set up in town to enlist new members. They work 
on an Hour system and all the volunteers were being paid for their 
efforts. One girl told me she was a social worker and used to spend 
time helping people for free but not any more. Now she makes sure to 
get all her time recorded. And her contribution has increased. 
     Other social service agencies also had booths so I wanted to give 
Heinrich and example of how would not only spend my time pitching the 
people walking by of how it could help them but also the other 
organizations in the area of how it could help them perform their 
duties. I grabbed a few of their LETS flyers and took Heinrich over to 
the Youth Support Services booth to explain how LETS could be used by 
their government department to an enthusiastic young worker. We 
explained it to him over half an hour and I suggested that they invite 
Heinrich to do a presentation to their department and left them 
exchanging phone numbers. So something could come out of that. And he 
didn't even meet Pauline. 
     We stayed at the home of Marina Danser whose four adult children 
were now out on their own. She is lively activist who donates 
generously to finance social projects and worked both of the LETS 
booths all day. A real live wire. Pauline will report more on her 
wonderful stories. 
     One interesting thing that Heinrich showed us was a piece of 1931 
Depression era German local currency from the town of Ulmer with a 
demurrage charge like in Worgl. I don't know what happened and perhaps 
Heinrich can send a to about what happened to it. 
     I spent the evening with Mr. Hans Juergen Sauerbrey, who is 
associated with "Sealand," an old World War II platform erected at sea 
which was not destroyed after the war with the other such platforms 
and where a group of squatters took control and managed to get it 
declared a sovereign territory from where they could operate a pirate 
radio station. Like an embassy, they also have extra-territorial land 
near Berlin and Hans was considering setting up their own LETS money 
system. He told me there were ways to have the US Federal Reserve pay 
400% if you put up $10 million. I hope he can't prove it. And I hope 
that he does set up or join a LETS. 
6) Muenster LETS with Zeitung article (German). July 18
     JCT: Kay Browatzki organized the translated Muenster LETS 
meeting. It was attended and well received by a couple of dozen 
members in a room of a local pub including a very delighted reporter. 
They didn't print his name but his article: 
Muenster Zeitung July 20 MS3
Tauschringe als Alternative
(No reporter's name) 
John Turmel besuchte LoWi e.V.
Picture Caption: John Turmel protestiert gegen die Macht der Banken 
und engagiert sich Fuer Tauschringsysteme als alternative 
     Muenster (MAF) - "Tauschen statt Zahlen" ist der Leitsatz des 
LoWi e.V.(-Lokale Wirtschaftsinitiative),des Tauschrings fuer 
Muenster, der sich im Maerz 1996 gegruendet hat, um "eine neue, 
gerechte und soziale Form von Arbeit, Handel und Markt" 
auszuprobieren. Ueber die Entwicklungen und weitreichenden 
Moeglichkeiten von Tauschringen, auch auf internationaler Ebene, 
informierte der Kanadier John Turmel, der sich seit 1984 mit diesem 
Thema befasst.
     Das Engagement dieser schillernden Persoenlichkeit geht auf das 
Vorhaben zurueck in Kanada das Gluecksspiel zu legalisieren. Um dies 
beeinflussen zu koennen, kandidierte der einstige Casino-Besitzer und 
(bis heute) professionelle Gluecksspieler fuer politische Aemter. 
Hinzu kam sein Protest gegen die Macht der Banken, die mit Zins und 
Verschuldung das Wirtschaftssystem bestimmten. Es folgte im Laufe von 
20 Jahren die Teilnahme an 47 Wahlen, die er allesamt verlor. Das 
brachte Turmel nicht nur einen Eintrag ins Guinness Buch der Rekorde, 
wie er lachend berichtete, sondern auch viele Einsichten in 
     Seiner Ansicht nach fuehren Zinsen und Hypotheken nur dazu, dass 
Reiche immer reicher und Arme immer aermer werden. "Ich weigere mich, 
Steuern fuer Schuldzinsen zu bezahlen." Mit Beispielen aus Bibel und 
Historie unterstrich der Kanadier temperamentvoll, das solcher 
"Wucher" nur zu verurteilen sei. Die einzige moegliche (zinsfreie) 
Alternative: "Local exchange and trading systems," wie die Tauschringe 
im angloamerikanischen Raum heissen.
     Diese Initiativen sind auf lokaler Ebene inzwischen mit grossem 
Erfolg weltweit verbreitet, sei es als organisierte 
Nachbarschaftshilfe oder als groesserer Zusammenschluss, an denen sich 
auch die Kommune beteiligt und wo sogar eigenes "Tauschgeld" kursiert. 
Die englische Stadt Bradford bekam fuer ein derartiges Projekt gar EU-
Mittel bewilligt. Turmel riet zur Nachahmung und legte gleich das 
Antragsformular vor.
     In den USA werden Tauschringe sehr viel ernster genommen. Viele 
soziale Probleme liessen sich entschaerfen, Arbeitslose mit einbinden 
und vieles andere mehr. Nun sei es an der Zeit, das Ganze 
international, zum Wohl auch fuer die Dritte Welt, zu vernetzen. Eine 
elektronische Zahlweise und der Einsatz des Internets werde bald 
erprobt. Vielversprechende Aussichten, wie Turmel findet. Voller 
Enthusiasmus wuenschte er den Muensteranern eine gute Entwicklung 
ihrer Initiative. 
     Turmel im Internet:
     Kontakt zu loWi e.V.: montags 16-18 Uhr, mittwochs 17-19 Uhr, 
Umweltzentrum, Scharnhorststrasse 57, tel 532171. Treffen jeden ersten 
Freitag im Monat um 12 Uhr in der Blechtrommel. 
     JCT: I'll publish the English versions as soon as I get them.  
     The story of how the sick pensioner benefits from LETS is really 
getting better. Also we had all these new exhibits from the France 
LETS to show them. They had all the same problems of small systems 
LETS and I've learned to soothe those who fear losing their local 
connections to a larger system. I explain that though they can now 
trade outside of their circle, they can still issue their own circle's 
directory and keep their local connections strong that way. It seemed 
to quell many doubts. The Noticeboard stays as local as they like it 
but they can send checks anywhere in the world if they want and 
collect from anywhere too. 
     Again, we stayed with Hans Werner in Warendorf who showed me a 50 
talent note he had created with a picture of the LETS member. Just 
like the LETS from California. Pictures on the checks. Even the banks 
don't have this kind of sophistication yet. 
     We discussed the fact that the Greens were part of the Government 
and how to get them promoting LETS more prominently. It's another 
coalition government and getting multi-party support is working in 
other countries where politicians see the results of LETS first-hand, 
why not everywhere they get to see the same results? Looks like 
they're going to turfed out for the old government having failed to 
solve the money problems they others couldn't solve previously. LETS 
could give them a needed boost. 
     The next day, he got an accordion from a cousin and accompanied 
me on his guitar while we played songs for several hours. The next 
day, we left for our Nordic tour through Denmark, Sweden and Finland 
which will be in my next LETS tour report #7. 
     There have been so many flashbacks of interesting things that I 
had not included in my previous reports that I'll be posting some 
extra reports with those extra comments. 
7) Translation
     As for translations into other languages, the presentation is 
being transcribed in French and Finnish from tapes with the Finnish 
into English, maybe the French too since it was a debate rather than a 
structured argument. 
     As for the quality of my French being joked about as bad 
"translation software," I didn't have access to my mother, Therese, a 
former translator and perfectionist and had to do my best. It's the 
reason I haven't transcribed the other reports into French. I'm always 
embarassed at the number of corrections she finds though I still find 
it hard to believe that the message still isn't very clear. Of course, 
these are getting the masculine and feminine gender of neutral objects 
often wrong and all the attendant accords of adjectives but the words 
are mostly spelled right and in the right order. And the tape will 
show whether deficiencies in my command of the language would 
necessitate a translator. 
     But, after I'd pointed out that almost everyone I met in Europe 
spoke pretty great English including many French and then asked Mom to 
start translating my reports into French, she suggested that she 
didn't have to since those who spoke English could explain it to those 
who don't. So, though I'd love to be able to offer my French readers 
translations of past and upcoming articles, it won't be possible. 
     As I've offered to translators in Austria and Finnland, I would 
owe anyone who will translate into French, German, Finnish, Italian, 
Swedish, etc, two (2) Hours per hour as an expense against my 
Engineer's Statement of Account for providing the world with LETS. Or 
you can use them for accommodations in Canada until the statement is 
someday settled. 
     So if you would like to translate some my past reports or any 
other web site materials for me, I'll see that someday you'll be 
credited for those Hours if not by the Government, then by me or any 
LETS group I'm associated with.

Send a comment to John Turmel
