TURMEL POLITICAL PRESS 1987 - 1988 - 1989
Ottawa Citizen, Norman Provencher
CRTC says fringe parties have right to broadcast time
All registered parties are entitled to a share of free broadcasting 
time on radio and television at election time, says the CRTC. In a 
firmly worded decision, the commission rebuked CBOT for refusing free 
air time to fringe Green party during the provincial elections. The 
decision of CBOT was "unacceptable." The complaint was brought by 
Green party candidate Greg Vezina who ran in Ottawa West. The 
Commission added it expects the network to "allow all parties an 
equitable amount of free time in future elections." (sounds good but 
these are the guys who don't know what equitable means) The CBC 
requires "bona fide" parties to have a recognized provincial leader, a 
province-wide organization, and candidates in at least 25% of the 
ridings. (Independents don't qualify and end up cheated.) The Green 
party met all those requirements, however, in Ontario, only the 
mainstream parties were accorded political airtime. 
As part of its defence, the CBC said the Greens could expect, as their 
party became more popular, to receive more and more free airtime at 
elections. But the CRTC called the defence a "vicious circle" saying 
the party could not hope to become more popular if it is not afforded 
the same (?) opportunities as the larger parties. (Without realizing 
the implications, the CRTC are forced into some logic). The ruling 
doesn't oblige the broadcasters to provide the same amount of free 
Toronto Sun, Jan Lounder
"Fringe" parties to get TV voice
OTTAWA -- The CRTC has slammed the CBC for giving free election time 
to major political parties but not to Canada's fledgling Green Party. 
It served notice on the CBC to give equitable time in future 
elections. Current CBC policy on who gets free time "amounts to a 
vicious circle." It isn't fair that small, lesser-known political 
parties with fewer candidates aren't entitled to free time under 
current policy. "In order to grow, a party requires exposure and it is 
this very exposure which the CBC's guidelines deny. To deny one party 
free time and to give it to the other parties is unfair not only to 
that party but also to the public which is thereby denied access to 
the ideas the party wishes to express." 
Hamilton Spectator, Jane Coutts
Gambler antes up, John Turmel joins race for vacant Mountain seat
Huge 7"x9" picture of me
John Turmel, a professional gambler who calls himself "Canada's fourth 
political force" has become the fourth official candidate in the 
Hamilton Mountain federal by-election. He submitted his nomination 
papers and paid the $200 deposit which he says is no more than the 
minimum bet (buy-in) allowed in his regular blackjack game. 
He has run in 24 elections since he decided politics was the way to 
introduce his unorthodox political views to the country. Mr. Turmel, 
who has a degree in electrical engineering but has never worked as an 
engineer, believes interest rates are the root of all evil. He once 
attempted to have the Supreme Court of Canada order charges against 
Gerald Bouey. He said Bouey should be charged with genocide because 
babies die from lack of food as farmers can't produce when the Bank of 
Canada sets such high interest rates. The court did not agree. 
He enters the by-election as an environmentalist. He thinks the 
government should form work parties to clean up the environment. 
Citizens would work rather than pay taxes. He wouldn't comment on 
other issues such as the constitution. "I don't waste time talking 
about trivialities when we all are going to die from acid rain," he 
said. And he had strong words for anyone who doesn't vote for him. 
"Maybe older people -- people who keep voting for the Liberals, 
Tories, NDP -- deserve to die. They deserve to if they don't vote for 
a change." 
Mr. Turmel, who has never gotten more than 2% of the vote in any 
federal election, is promising a grim fight for NDP candidate Marion 
Dewar. His most successful campaign ever was against her in the 1982 
(1980) Ottawa mayoral contest. He says she sat by at an all-
candidates' meeting while "her police" arrested one of the candidates 
on stage. Ms. Dewar said the police came by at the request of the 
meetings organizers who didn't want "fringe candidates" to speak and 
said she would never interfere with police doing their job. She said 
she expected Mr. Turmel to run in one of the by-elections. He usually 
does. But she doesn't object to his candidacy. "Lots of times when 
he's been around, I defended him on the principle of freedom of 
speech. There are always very worthy issues they run on," she says.
Hamilton Mountain News 
The three mainline party candidates have competition. Independent John 
Turmel announced his candidacy in the race last Monday. The 36-year-
old engineer, self-described "gambler" and perennial fringe candidate 
now in his 24th election, is worried about the environment and wants 
to increase spending on acid rain. "Instead of spending $200,000 
million on nuclear submarines, Defence Minister Perrin Beatty should 
spend the money on scrubbers to stop pollution."
He feels it is pointless to spend money on defence "when the ozone 
layer is disappearing and then we'll die from radiation." 
Mr. Turmel was born in Hamilton but moved to Ottawa with his family 
when he was a teen-ager. He's no stranger to Hamilton politics as he 
ran in a 1982 provincial by-election in Hamilton West garnering 173 
votes. He is also attempting to form an Ontario Social Credit Party 
but points out he has no affiliation with any other Social Credit 
party in Canada. He would like to eliminate interest rates and he has 
no filed a tax return since 1984 because "I don't want Brian using my 
money to pay off the interest on Canada's debt." 
He said lack of finance is holding Canada back and he would re-program 
the Bank of Canada computer and create enough money so all debts would 
be eliminated and everyone would have money. "The Meech Lake accord 
doesn't matter if you don't attack the curse of poverty because no one 
would be around to worry about how we get along," he said.
He said the most votes he ever got is 2,000(4,000) and the least is 
16. "If people are only interested in a party they'll vote for the 
winner. If they want change they'll vote for me."
Hamilton Mountain News, Tony Iavarone
Tempers flare at all-candidates meeting
The by-election campaign has been relatively quiet, that is until John 
Turmel joined the race. He attended his first all-candidate's meeting 
on Thursday and made an impression on the 120 people in attendance. On 
every topic, he blamed lack of funding and interest rates as the root 
of the problem. 
Poverty causes murder, we should give non-dangerous criminals $30,000 
and you would se the crime rate decline," Turmel said. He is against 
capital punishment. MacDonald favors is and Dewar and Phinney oppose 
it. When Turmel suggested giving $30,000 to criminals, he received 
hisses and boos from the audience, and while he was talking about 
capital punishment, moderator Doug McCallum ruled he had strayed from 
the topic and cut him off. Mr. Turmel then angrily stomped around the 
room telling people "I'll sit back down when they give me a fair 
chance to talk." Mr. McCallum threatened to eject Mr. Turmel for his 
outburst but Mr. Turmel calmed down after the threat. 
On the topic of aboriginal rights, he said lack of money was the 
problem for Native people. 
Concerning refugees, he said more people should be allowed in Canada 
because those people are would generate money for the country.
Hamilton Mountain News Letter, John Turmel
Independent candidate speaks out
Editor, Hamilton Mountain News,
Dear Sir:
As an Independent candidate in the Hamilton Mountain federal by-
election, I must point out an error in your June 24, 1987 front page 
story about me which reports "he would re-program the Bank of Canada 
computer to create enough money so all debts would be eliminated and 
everyone would have money".  I would actually re-program the bank's 
computer to create money with only a service charge so interest 
charges would be eliminated and everyone would have credit.  Only the 
interest would be eliminated, not the principal portion of the debt!
Also, in the article by Tony Iavarone titled 'TEMPERS FLAIR AT ALL 
CANDIDATES MEETING', it reports my saying "we should give non-
dangerous criminals $30,000 and you would see the crime rate decline".  
Actually, I had said that since we already spend over $60,000 per year 
keeping non-dangerous criminals in jail, we should LEND them $30,000 
per year and even if they don't manage to pay us back, we are still 
better off having saved the other $30,000 per year.
That article also reports that after the moderator cut me off from 
answering a question, I "angrily stormed around the room telling 
people "I'll sit back down when they give me a fair chance to talk".  
It would have been silly of me to vent my displeasure at being 
excluded in an angry fashion.  Actually, I tried to gain the audience 
sympathy in the nicest way possible which eventually resulted in the 
pastor of the church apologizing at the end of the meeting for my 
having been excluded, a point the reporter failed to mention.  Had I 
indeed "angrily stormed around", I seriously doubt that he would have 
made that public apology.
Finally, though your reporter covered my first concern, the 
destruction of our environment, there was no mention of my second 
concern, the undemocratic actions of the NDP candidate, Marion Dewar, 
while she was mayor of Ottawa.  As anyone who attended the meeting can 
attest, that condemnation was certainly the highlight of the meeting.  
She must be thanking her lucky stars your reporter decided not to 
inform the voters of what she had done while she was mayor of Ottawa.
First, I provided press clippings detailing an instance in a 1984 
provincial by-election where both the Liberal and the Conservative 
candidates had refused to participate in a televised debate because 
the three minor candidates had been excluded, and how Evelyn Gigantes, 
the NDP candidate, had stayed to enjoy the whole broadcast by herself 
and subsequently won the election.  Bob Rae, Ontario NDP leader, 
endorsed her undemocratic action.
I also provided press clippings detailing an instance in the 1982 
Ottawa mayoral election where Marion Dewar, then Ottawa mayor, had 
stood by while Ottawa police arrested one of her opponents right off 
the stage of a debate for having taken a seat  beside her and simply 
insisted on the right to participate equally.  I even blew up a front 
page newspaper picture showing her quietly seated while her police 
were taking her opponent away.  A word from the mayor and her police 
would have allowed all of the candidates to participate but without 
that intervention, her eventual electoral victory was tainted.
Stressing the fundamental lack of democracy on the part of socialist 
parties who are geared to protect state's rights over people's rights, 
I pointed out that though Mrs. Dewar may have been a good mayor, 
federal politics is different from  municipal politics and stated "I 
I presented this information to both all candidates meetings.  At both 
meetings, many people cried "Shame" while others screamed with 
laughter.  Considering that remark was certainly the highlight of both 
meetings, I can only conclude that your reporter's decision not to 
inform your readers of this most powerful condemnation was certainly a 
big boost to Mrs. Dewar's campaign.
I must also question the ethics of keeping such information about her 
past shameful actions quiet.  When police start arresting candidates 
in Hamilton, it might be too late.  
You can be sure I will condemn your aid to her campaign in all 
upcoming meetings unless the omission is corrected.  The arrest of 
political candidates in Canada is too important an issue to neglect.
Since Mrs. Dewar has a good chance of being the elected 
representative, I feel that you should correct your reporter's 
omission and publish the very important information I have brought to 
your attention.  
Yours truly,
Hamilton Spectator, Mona Irwin
Economy, jobs top queries to candidates
There was standing room only -- and not much of that -- at an all-
candidates' meeting last night. More than 100 people crammed into the 
meeting room at Terryberry Library for a session that lasted nearly 3 
All the candidates agreed Canada must continue to pressure South 
Africa for an end to apartheid but independent candidate John Turmel 
said the South African government should "be brought down in whatever 
way possible."
Mr. Turmel, who emphasized environmental concerns, said a major 
cleanup needs a massive infusion of funds. He suggested the government 
mobilize the unemployed -- particularly unemployed engineers, 
scientists, and other specialists -- who would be paid with tax credit 
notes. They could use the notes to pay their taxes.
Hamilton Mountain News
All the candidates condemned South African apartheid, but Independent 
John Turmel said Canada should do everything in its power to end it. 
Mr. Turmel also, as he has throughout his campaign, expressed dire 
warnings about the environment, saying if a massive clean-up isn't 
undertaken, the issues raised that night won't mean anything because 
"we're all going to be dead." 
The meeting at times was nasty. Said Mr. Turmel: "I trust Marion Dewar 
to take care of my garbage, but I don't trust her to take care of my 
Sun Editor, Turmel Letter unpublished
Dear Sir:
I must take exception to Barbara Amiel's denigration of the Nicaraguan 
political process when she states "Unlike Nicaragua, we do at least 
elect the people who decide on our constitution in a free, open and 
fair election." I would point out that in their federal elections, all 
political parties were allocated equal and fair portions of radio and 
television broadcasting time.  I would point out that in the last 
federal election, only the leaders of three of Canada's nine political 
parties were invited to participate in two nationally televised 
debates while the others were undemocratically excluded. I would 
suggest that before she criticize the democratic integrity of 
Nicaragua's elections, she consider the loss of integrity in Canada's 
last election. Yours truly, 
Globe & Mail, Susan Delacourt
Of the minor candidates "none of them has a campaign office or even 
lawn signs." 
Ottawa Citizen, Neil MacDonald
There are three other candidates in the race. A Socred, a Rhinoceros, 
and who else but John Turmel, the self-styled professional gambler and 
hard-hat-wearing "engineer" from Ottawa who has shown up across the 
nation in the past decade, dogging high-profile candidates at the 
municipal, provincial and federal levels. 
This time, Turmel has taken to carrying around a blown-up picture from 
the time he ran against Dewar for the mayoralty years ago. Denied 
permission by the CBC at the time to partake in a televised all-
candidates' meeting, he was eventually ejected by police. The photo is 
of that ejection, and Turmel is proclaiming it was the fascist Dewar 
who instructed her paramilitary army to stifle him.
Ottawa Citizen Turmel Letter Unpublished 
Dear Sir:
I must protest two serious factual errors about me in Neil Macdonald's 
July 18, 1987 report on the Hamilton Mountain federal by-election 
He wrote "from the time he(John Turmel) ran against Dewar for the 
mayoralty years ago, denied permission to partake in a televised all-
candidates meeting, he was eventually ejected by police. Turmel is 
proclaiming it was the fascist Dewar who instructed her paramilitary 
army to stifle him." This is not so. 
Had he attended any of the meetings he was reporting on or checked 
with the Citizen's archives, he would have learned it was Marc Gauvin, 
a candidate in another election, who had been arrested for insisting 
on taking part in a debate from which he was to be excluded, not me.
Also, I'm sure Mrs. Dewar would confirm that I never called her a 
"fascist" nor did I ever imply she had instructed her police to stifle 
her political opponent. I simply chastised her for failing to speak up 
and prevent her police from arresting her opponent. I do not believe 
Mrs. Dewar would ever have ordered such a thing and resent the fact 
that Mr. Macdonald chose to report my statement that way and attribute 
his false words to me.
I insist you correct the damage done to my and Mrs. Dewar's 
reputations by his uninformed and erroneous report on candidates' 
meetings he did not even attend.
Yours truly,
Hamilton Spectator
Independent candidate John C. Turmel said: "All strikes are a function 
of a lack of funds for management to do things right. The only way 
we're going to get out of this eternal, vicious cycle of striking for 
more money is to reprogram the banking system's computer, which I, as 
the only high-tech candidate, know how to do. 
One viewer phoned in requesting the candidates state their position on 
capital punishment. Mr. Turmel said he was against both abortion and 
capital punishment.
Globe & Mail, Susan Delacourt
When only 1600 votes separated Dewar and her Liberal opponent -- a 
much smaller margin than had been expected earlier and considerably 
smaller than the 8,000 vote margin that elected NDP member Ian Deans 
in 1984. She had been seen as the clear front-runner. Ms. Phinney said 
that Dewar's edge was eroded by her parachute candidacy.
Toronto Sun, Michael Bennett
OTTAWA -- So much for the photo opportunity with the homeless. All it 
took was one loud-mouthed heckler in a hard-hat yesterday to turn Bob 
Rae's whistle-stop at the Housing Help agency into a public relations 
disaster on the evening news. A guy waving a placard condemning Rae 
for anything makes better TV footage than close-ups of him standing in 
front of a microphone for 10 minutes saying nothing.
It doesn't matter that the demonstrator in the drip-dry suit has made 
a career out of being a fringe candidate. After all, the NDP strategy 
for the first few weeks of the campaign is to let the people tell 
their stories. Yesterday, it was the affordable-housing crisis. Rae 
did all the talking -- and said little. The supply has gone from bad 
to worse under the Grits, he said, but he's still not saying what the 
NDP plans to do about it. The essential questions remain unanswered: 
How much will his solution cost and where will the money come from?
Ottawa Citizen, Mark Kennedy
Rae said his party would unveil its housing program with specific 
later in the campaign. His refusal to discuss the cost or details of 
any NDP solutions prompted a round of heckling by John Turmel, a local 
political fixture and fringe candidate who hasn't decided whether 
he'll run in this campaign. Turmel, wearing his customary construction 
helmet, carried a placard denouncing Rae, handed out press clippings 
about his previous antics and heckled the NDP leader in both official 
Globe & Mail
Last October her welfare was cut off. The system was certain that Pat 
Allingham must have hidden income or else she couldn't have survived. 
In truth, the system was right. She sometimes cleared $15 a day as a 
movie extra, "whenever they needed someone who looked like a disaster.
Ottawa Citizen, Christopher Neal
Turmel plans 25th election bid
Perennial independent candidate John Turmel says he will run for the 
25th time in the Sept. 10 Ontario election, but he hasn't decided 
where. He has narrowed down the choices, however, to Ottawa Centre or 
York South.
Ottawa Citizen, CP
Candidate wants debate stopped
Perpetual political candidate John Turmel wants to stop the television 
debate among Ontario's three major party leaders set for next Monday. 
Turmel, an Ottawa engineer, filed notice of motion Monday in the 
Ontario Supreme Court that he will apply Wednesday for a permanent 
injunction against the CBC, CTV, and Global-TV networks to prevent the 
debate's broadcast.
Ottawa Citizen, Abby Deveney
Judge rejects TV time bid for fringe parties
Perennial political crusader John Turmel failed Wednesday to obtain 
air time for five political fringe parties in the province-wide 
leaders debate to be televised next week.
Instead, he was ordered to pay the legal bills -- $3,000 -- for three 
television networks that when to court to fight his request for an 
injunction against Monday's broadcast.
Ontario Supreme Court Justice Robert Reid saddled Turmel with costs 
after dismissing arguments the 90-minute television debate between 
leaders of the three major parties violated the Charter of Rights and 
Freedoms. Reid, who described that approach as "fair and reasonable" 
gave his ruling after grilling Turmel for almost an hour. Turmel, who 
told the judge he has no alliance with any of the political parties 
involved, argued he had the right as an Ontario citizen and voter to 
hear the "full menu of options" in the debate. Turmel now plans to go 
to Federal Court of Canada. A hearing is set for this afternoon. he 
has run in some 25 elections at all levels and has several times 
challenged in court his exclusion from televised candidates' debates. 
"Three thousand dollars is a pretty stiff penalty for having opened my 
mouth to complain," Turmel said.
Ottawa Citizen, Abby Deveney
Second judge says no dice to candidate's TV gamble
John Turmel, professional gambler and perennial political candidate, 
is on a losing streak. The Ottawa-area resident failed twice in two 
days in his bid to have different courts order air time for fringe 
political parties in the leaders' debate to be televised Monday. 
Both were costly gambles. A Federal Court judge Thursday ordered 
Turmel to pay $1,600 to cover the legal fees of three opponents after 
a nearly four-hour hearing. Wednesday, an Ontario Supreme Court judge 
hearing similar arguments about different areas of the law saddled 
Turmel with $3,000 in costs. "I think you just like to appear in 
court," Federal Court Judge Marcel Joyal told a defeated Turmel 
moments before awarding the court fees. "It could be an occupation 
that's not cheap." Turmel has frequently gone to court to fight his 
exclusion from televised candidates debates. He doesn't hold a regular 
job. The self-described engineer, mathematician and gambler called the 
total $4,600 levied against him as "quite a sting." 
He told the court he was simply an Ontario voter who wanted to hear 
from all the candidates in the leaders' debate. Judges at both 
hearings noted none of the fringe parties Turmel wanted to hear from 
had contested the validity of the debate. 
Turmel says not inviting representatives from Ontario's fringe parties 
is a violation of CRTC guidelines. He argued the networks aren't 
providing equitable coverage to five lesser know, but officially 
registered, political groups. Joyal disagreed with Turmel's 
interpretation of the rules for broadcasts during election campaigns. 
Those CRTC guidelines say time must be assigned on an equal (?) basis, 
but do not define what that means. The three networks already have 
agreed in principle to broadcast news reports on the fringe parties 
during the campaign.
Ottawa Citizen, Brad Evenson
John Turmel, 36, a professional gambler who has run in elections at 
all levels is running as an independent. Once again, he's pushing his 
"Greenback" money system. It would allow people to form workbees and 
be paid in negotiable tax credits or Greenbacks."
Ottawa Citizen, Brad Evenson
Gigantes borrows from 1985 platform debate
The ghosts of the past came back to haunt Evelyn Gigantes at 
Thursday's candidates' meeting for Ottawa Centre. As in the 1985 
campaign, Independent John Turmel and Greg Vezina, former Green party 
candidate, reincarnated in Tory blue, hammered away at environmental 
issues while Gigantes pressed housing, day care and other social 
issues. "Ho hum, I heard that speech back in 1985," a bemused Turmel 
Turmel stressed his Greenback system of paying workers with negotiable 
tax credits instead of cash. He also stressed the importance solving 
the acid rain problem. Turmel, who is strongly opposed to abortion, 
faced off against Gigantes who is pro-choice. Both Patten and Vezina 
say they oppose abortion and society must provide more for mothers who 
can't afford a family. 
Le Droit, Francois Brousseau
Ottawa Centre: Candidates discussed bilingualism
Wearing his eternal hard hat marked `The Engineer' John Turmel, 
gambler, bilingual, creditiste sympathizer, 364 votes in 1985, an 
outsider in almost all possible imaginable elections over the last 
decade, gave his usual spectacle last night. Mr. Turmel, for whom all 
questions boil down to money and access to credit, declared himself in 
favor of bilingualism if the finances permit it. Vezina is the only 
one of the three candidates who declared himself against abortion.
Ottawa Herald
Media snub hurts "fringe candidates."
There is one other independent candidate in the Ottawa area. John 
Turmel is running in Ottawa Centre.
Ottawa Citizen
John Turmel said a major reason for running this year was to discredit 
Gigantes' campaign. He was delighted at her defeat although he doesn't 
know what to expect of Patten. "I'll just have to wish him well and 
hope he does well," he said. 
As for the future, Turmel said he plans to continue to run as an 
independent and make life miserable for the NDP. "There's a federal 
election coming up in two years so I think I'll be there. I don't have 
any great love for Michael Cassidy, either, so I'll be there making 
things interesting."
Ottawa Citizen, CP
CRTC reassessing rules on fairness of election coverage
The federal broadcast regulator is about to review its policy 
determining the fairness of election campaign coverage by radio and 
television stations. The policy review by the CRTC comes at a time 
when the Tories  for setting up their own broadcast service to bypass 
the media on Parliament Hill. And it follows a ruling last year by the 
commission that slapped the wrists of CBC for not providing equitable 
coverage of the environmentalist Green party in the last B.C. election 
and the 1985 Ontario election.
A new policy could be in place within six months, just in time for a 
federal election expected next year or the year after. But commission 
spokesman the review is underway now because it just so happens to be 
ready to deal with the issue as an overall review of its regulations. 
CRTC policies require broadcasters go give parties and candidates fair 
and equitable treatment during election campaigns, something CRTC 
lawyer Bill Howard admits can be a "pretty tough" call. The CRTC 
generally leaves that call to the broadcasters but the ruling last 
spring showed the commission is prepared to get tough to make sure 
that all parties and candidates receive equitable treatment.
In that case, the CRTC said the CBC did not deal fairly with the Green 
party. In the Ontario case, Greg Vezina, a Green candidate in Ottawa, 
complained he was left out of a televised debate on CBOT and that the 
Green Party did not receive any free time though the three major 
parties did and even though the Greens were a registered party in 
Ontario. The B.C. case was similar. 
Ottawa Citizen
As part of its review of its regulatory role, and following a detailed 
review of its regulatory role, and following a detailed review of the 
Radio, Television and Cable regulations, the Commission now seeks 
comment on election campaign broadcasting. The purpose of this review 
is to seek solutions to problems that have arisen in the past and to 
identify and eliminate any policies and procedures dealing with 
election campaign broadcasting that may no longer be appropriate. 
Comments must be submitted in writing by Nov. 13, 1987.
Ottawa Citizen 
Trespassing verdict upheld
A judge has upheld a trespassing conviction against in independent 
candidate in the 1984 federal election campaign who refused to leave 
an Ottawa all-candidates meeting. Marc Gauvin, 30, had no broad right 
to remain in a hall after the sponsors of the debate asked him to 
leave, provincial court Judge Brian Lennox ruled Friday. Gauvin had 
appealed the conviction and $53 fine a justice of the peace levied 
against him in relation to the August 1984 incident. Lennox said 
Gauvin was invited by the Glebe Community Association to attend the 
debate at Glebe Collegiate and implicit in the invitation was the 
condition he abide by the rules of the assembly. The Charter is 
designed to protect individual rights from governmental abuse and does 
not guarantee absolute liberty, said Lennox.
Ottawa Citizen, CP
Free-trade hearings undemocratic, says Rae
TORONTO -- Bob Rae crashed the provincial free-trade hearings to 
complain the opposition has been left out of the debate. Rae said the 
hearings, being held by a committee of six Liberal cabinet ministers, 
is undemocratic. Peterson should have convened the legislature and set 
up an all-party review of the proposed pact. "This isn't a one party 
state yet," he said. Rae said he will immediately call for all-party 
                    TURMEL POLITICAL PRESS TO 1988 
London Free Press
Candidate may go to court over amount of TV air time
Independent London North candidate John Turmel threatened on Tuesday 
to seek an injunction to prevent the airing of a CFPL-TV program on 
the riding election. Turmel said a station official told him Tuesday 
that candidates for the three major parties in the by-election will 
get more time to talk at an all-candidates' taping at the London 
station Friday. CFPL officials could not be reached for comment 
Tuesday night. 
The perennial independent candidate, who said he has run in 26 
elections said it is "not equitable" for some candidates to get more 
air time then others." There are six candidates. Turmel said he'll try 
to gather support for his equal-time stand from other candidates 
today, and press CFPL-TV to change its mind. Failing that, he would 
file a motion in court for an injunction, he said. During his long 
history of seeking public office, Turmel said he has tried the 
judicial route about 25 times -- never successfully.
London Free Press, Pat Currie
Candidate continues bid to get equal TV time
Independent candidate John Turmel said Wednesday he will have "one 
last conversation" today with other candidates "and if I'm not 
satisfied with the answers, I'll file the motion." Turmel reaffirmed 
he intends to seek an injunction against CFPL-TV to bar showing of an 
Inquiry program Sunday afternoon because he will not be allotted the 
same amount of time as candidates from mainline parties. Inquiry 
producer Guy Goodwin "told me in advance that I would receive less 
time." Goodwin said "I think the gentleman's barking up the wrong 
tree. I think we've given him a fair shake, tracking him down to give 
him an invitation," to appear on the half-hour program. Candidates 
were to be taped this week "and any one of these people could fill a 
half-hour show," he said.
CRTC regulations "are fairly loose ... they leave the amount of time 
devoted to each candidate up to the broadcaster," he said. Turmel has 
become engaged in similar legal sparrings 25 times in federal, 
provincial and municipal elections he contested in Ottawa, Toronto, 
Quebec and Nova Scotia. He has never won his legal point. he runs 
repeatedly in elections "because I have a technological answer to acid 
rain." He said his approach would use an "alternative system" of 
finance to pay the estimated $100 billion cost of cleanup. 
Marc Emery, campaign manager for Freedom Party candidate Barry 
Malcolm, said Turmel's position is "absurd ... we told him not to even 
bother approaching us for support." 
Family Coalition party candidate Brenda Rowe said she thinks any 
inequality in the amount of time given candidates "is detrimental to 
the process, but I wouldn't support Turmel in seeking an injunction... 
fighting and yelling isn't my style." 
NDP candidate Diane Whiteside said "all candidates should have equal 
time... at one time, the new Democrats experienced similar 
difficulties." But she added Turmel "certainly had more than his fair 
share of the time" at an all-candidates meeting Wednesday at Banting 
Secondary School. 
Lynne Graat, campaign manager of Tory candidate Diane Cunningham, said 
Turmel "has had as much time as he needs." At an all-candidates 
meeting Monday at Oakridge Secondary School, Turmel registered his 
displeasure at not being asked one specific question by huffing off 
the stage "and handing out literature while the three candidates who 
had been asked the question were trying to answer it. It was rather 
Campaign manager Pat Ledroit was with Liberal candidate Elaine Pensa 
at the Banting meeting and Turmel "left without speaking to use about 
it (support for his motion seeking an injunction) ... maybe he doesn't 
have our number. But he's paid his $200 deposit and any candidate is 
entitled to fair play." 
London Free Press, Peter Geigen-Miller
Election candidate's antics don't impress student chief
Not all candidates scored high marks with all students during an all-
candidates meeting at Banting Secondary School on Wednesday. Jason 
Perry, 19, a Grade 13  student and president of the Banting student 
council, said the candidates had "some useful things to say" but he 
wasn't impressed by the antics of John Turmel, the independent from 
Ottawa who wears a hard hat emblazoned with the words "The Engineer" 
to campaign appearances. "The smaller parties might have a better shot 
if they didn't act so inane. "They all realize they aren't going to 
win anyway but they don't have to broadcast it to us." 
Turmel has said the hard hat and humor help to draw attention to 
important issues such as the need to clean up the environment but 
Perry thinks he goes too far. Perry sees room for humor in politics -- 
he cracked his share of jokes in winning election to student council. 
There's room for clowning in student policies when the issue is 
attendance at school dances, he said. When you're dealing with 
provincial issues such as car insurance, "there should be more 
emphasis on serious discussion rather than making it a side show." The 
six candidates appeared before a special school assembly attended 
mainly by students from Banting's senior grades were peppered with 
questions about government spending, car insurance and abortion. 
Jeffrey Sack, 18, a Grade 12 student, said he has attended the two 
previous all-candidates meetings and has come away impressed by the 
amount of effort politicians put into running for office. "Very few 
candidates have been caught off guard. I've been very impressed by the 
quality of their speaking." Sack also has gained respect for the 
"lesser-party-candidates" who work so hard with so little chance of 
being elected. "They must really feel strongly to put so much effort 
into it." 
London Free Press
Turmel said the whole problem was a lack of money caused by interest 
rates. He would issue tax credits to students who would then finance 
their own education cost. 
While the candidates received enthusiastic applause from their own 
supporters, John Turmel got the strongest reaction -- mainly boos. 
Continually referring to the problem of acid rain, which he would 
solve with "an old-fashioned work bee," Turmel said he hoped the 
hecklers would be the first to be killed by the poisoned environment. 
"You deserve your acid rain," he shouted. Turmel has applied to the 
Supreme Court of Ontario to order CFPL-TV in London to give him equal 
time with other candidates on a free-time political broadcast. A 
hearing is scheduled for today.
London Free Press, Chip Martin
"Eddie the eagle" of politics loses another one
John Turmel, the king of fringe candidates, lost his umpteenth court 
battle seeking equal treatment with the political big boys Friday, but 
was dubbed "Eddie the Eagle" in the attempt.
Turmel tried to persuade District Judge Gordon Killeen that CFPL-TV 
was planning to discriminate against him during a taping of an Inquiry 
news program scheduled for airing Sunday. 
He was opposed by Renato Gasparotto, a lawyer for CFPl, who said 
Turmel provided "comic relief" like that of Eddie (The Eagle) Edwards, 
the British ski-jumper who consistently placed dead last in the 
Calgary Olympics. "He's the Eddie Edwards of these political slopes" 
said Gasparotto, arguing against Turmel's motion, which he said 
amounted to an injunction. Turmel said he'd been told the majority of 
questions would be directed at the candidates for the three major 
political parties. He rejected Gasparotto's claim the court challenge 
amounted to a publicity stunt. "I don't run in all these elections for 
the fun of it." He feels it's important to put forward to the 
electorate his concerns about acid rain and the environment. Turmel 
argued that because Inquiry is a "free-time" political broadcast, CFPL 
was bound by Section 8 of the Television Broadcasting Regulations 
formulated by the CRTC. That rule, he said, requires "programs" be 
allocated on "an equitable basis" to all political parties.
He suggested CFPl was trying to hide behind a "loophole" by saying 
Inquiry was a "news' program and should be treated differently. 
Killeen rejected Turmel's motion. His decision came about 45 minutes 
before the scheduled 1:15p.m. Friday taping at CFPL. "Courts must be 
wary of issuing orders of prior restraint except for the gravest 
reasons." If they did otherwise, "the courts might inadvertently or 
innocently involve themselves in acts of censorship." Killeen said he 
wasn't convinced Inquiry is of a partisan political character. He 
termed it a regularly scheduled "public interest show" and not subject 
to the equal allocation urged by Turmel. 
With the finding, Gasparotto sought to have Turmel pay the station's 
legal costs, Turmel objected, saying he may lose his $200 deposit if 
he  doesn't receive 15% of the vote. "You'd have to give me long odds 
before I'd bet on myself. I will end up punished financially," he 
said, but Killeen nevertheless stuck him with fixed legal fees of 
$150. Ironically, hours later, Turmel said he felt he received a fair 
shake from CFPL during the taping and felt he'd wasted his $150. "It 
was completely equitable and fair." 
London Free Press
Independent Turmel, who wears a white hard hat emblazoned with the 
words "The Engineer" to candidate meetings, is in the campaign to draw 
attention to the need to protect the environment. The need for action 
is urgent, he said, because acid rain is already killing trees and 
pollution is worsening everywhere. 
London Free Press 
Independent candidate John Turmel said from his home in Ottawa he 
favors Sunday shopping. A professed gambler, Turmel said he was 
through campaigning in London and didn't intend to return except in 
the unlikely chance he wins Thursday's by-election.
Ottawa Citizen 
But they agreed that unless the Bank of Canada eases its tough anti-
inflation stance (interest rate increases) -- something which is very 
unlikely -- an interest rate increase in inevitable.
Ottawa Citizen, Charles Gordon
Top ten: Absolutely the best things about Ottawa and area
OK: what are really the 10 best things about Our Nation's Capital and 
Environs. 7. Lower Sparks St. It has benches, easy access to 
chipwagons and entertainment, from time to time, when members of the 
Turmel family mark the setting of the bank rate by wielding placards 
condemning interest rates, the governor of the Bank of Canada and 
Ottawa Citizen Turmel Letter unpublished
Economists blast bank for pushing up interest rates
Dear Sir:
As an engineer who has run in 26 elections over the last 9 years, I 
have always pointed out that interest rates are the positive feedback 
causing the lack of funds necessary to save our environment from 
collapse.  Unfortunately, as Gwyn Dyer noted in his July 4, 1988 
article titled `SAVING THE WORLD FOR OUR GRANDCHILDREN', one prominent 
scientist says we are "already past the point of no return".
The rational is that we must suffer interest rates to fight inflation.  
My analysis has always shown that interest rates do not fight 
inflation, they actually are the cause of inflation. It is very 
gratifying to notice that economists are finally coming to that same 
conclusion too.
Your July 23, 1988 article titled `ECONOMISTS BLAST BANK FOR PUSHING 
1)  "high interest rates actually increase inflation", 
2) "trying to prevent an outbreak of inflation by raising interest 
rates is like trying to smother a fire by throwing gasoline on it", 
3) "it is irrational to seek to keep prices from rising by raising 
I'm betting we are not past the point of no return but if humanity 
ends up living underground because our ozone shield has been destroyed 
and the lakes and rivers have been acidified in the false fight 
against inflation, I'm also betting humanity will wonder why the media 
did not publicize my strategy to organize environmental clean-up 
projects paid with interest-free tax credit notes.
Oh, how your children will weep,
When they finally hear,
How you silenced the words,
Of `The Engineer'.
Ottawa Citizen
Meanwhile, the bold decision by the Noriega regime to issue its own 
money amounts to a brave challenge that dares creditors to call its 
bluff. It's government-issued scrip.
Ottawa Citizen, Wendy Smith
Candidates gamble on playing musical chairs with Ottawa mayor
Pictures of me "gambler" and Kevin Klein "disc jockey"
A professional gambler and a disc jockey have emerged to challenge 
Ottawa Mayor Jim Durrell for his job in the November municipal 
election. Ever-ready candidate John Turmel tossed his hard-hat and 
poker chips into the political ring Thursday with a news conference 
announcing his 27th, 28th, and 29th election campaigns. He'll be 
running for three posts: Mayor of Ottawa, MP of Ottawa Centre and MPP 
for Welland-Thorold in the Niagara peninsula in a Nov. 3 provincial 
by-election. Turmel is a self-styled professional gambler and hardhat-
wearing "engineer" who has shown up in elections across the nation in 
the past decade. Turmel is well known for his campaigns for the 
legalization of gambling.
Flamboyant broadcaster Kevin Klein, who hung on for an 11 day 
endurance ride on a ferris wheel at the Central Canada Exhibition, 
also announced his candidacy on a beautify-the-city platform. Klein, a 
university drop-out, refused to give his age but denied rumors he was 
over 30. "I've already passed my drug tests and I had absolutely 
nothing to do with Jessica Hahn," he said. 
Ottawa Citizen Turmel letter unpublished
Candidates gamble on playing musical chairs with Ottawa mayor
Dear Sir:
I must protest the report on my candidacy by Wendy Smith in her Sept. 
30, 1988 article `Candidates gamble on playing musical chairs with 
Ottawa mayor.  As the only candidate who is proposing radical 
solutions to problems relating to housing, roads and sewers, and 
environmental pollution, I resent that she chose to completely ignore 
my solutions to those issues.
Though I admitted I favoured the legalization of casinos, I made sure 
to point out to her that it was not a municipal concern and yet, it is 
the only issue she chose to mention.
I hope her distortion of my campaign is not going to be par for the 
course and would prefer if you could assign someone who has a better 
knowledge of municipal issues to cover my campaign.
Yours truly,
John C. Turmel
Ottawa Citizen, Staff
Durrell willing to debate
Ottawa Mayor Jim Durrell says he is ready and willing to debate the 
issues with the challengers for his job -- a self-proclaimed 
professional gambler and a disc jockey. (Notice how rarely they 
mention me as engineer) Self-professed gambler John Turmel, who says 
he's an engineer and disc jockey Kevin Klein have both said they want 
an opportunity to debate the issues with the mayor in a public forum. 
Turmel, who has run unsuccessfully in numerous elections, is again 
advocating an interest-free, tax-credit system. Klein, who works at 
radio station CJSB, is opposing Durrell's concept of a one-tier 
government "because we want nothing to do with Kanata." 
Ottawa Citizen, Dan Turner
Durrell's in the ball park with hot dogs
Only three hats in the big ring at Ottawa City Hall: Jim Durrell, John 
Turmel, and Nabil Fawzy. All nuisance candidates, perhaps. But Durrell 
is political respectable. He garnered 56,988 votes last time around. 
Turmel counted only 1,405 in failing to unseat dull Ben Franklin in 
Nepean. Fawzy ran a distant fifth in 1985. 
Turmel is also running federally in Ottawa Centre and provincially in 
a November by-election in the Niagara peninsula, so he may be 
spreading himself thin -- though it is probably better to have too 
little of Turmel in a lot of places than too much of him in one. 
Still, it not being good democracy to dismiss a candidate out of hand, 
it's best to choose a key issue. I talked to the other two about the 
search for a Triple-A baseball team. 
Durrell is unclear about where the money would come from. Turmel, of 
course, has a scheme. "To build the stadium, first of all, I'd have 
some construction work bees. But you'd want to involved the 
construction companies. So you'd issue them scrip money that they 
could pay their taxes with and give to their workers to get them into 
the ball park. At this point, the reader will want to rate the 
candidates on economics. But don't forget the vision. "Do you have any 
vision of what kind of hot dogs will be served at this ball park, Mr. 
Turmel?" "No, frankly I don't." Mr. Durrell?" "Alfred-style hot dogs, 
like they still have at the Forum.
Another rough year for Turmel.
Globe & Mail, Hugh Winsor
TV debates scheduled as parties reach deal
The New Democrats and the Liberals have grudgingly agreed to a 
television debate format proposed by Canada's six television networks 
and endorsed by the Conservatives. They will debate on Monday, Oct. 
24, in French and Tuesday Oct. 25 in English, both three hours. 
Ottawa Sun
Jim Durrell had two opponents so far. Professional gambler, John 
Turmel, has run for mayor of Ottawa, provincial seats and Parliament. 
He ran for Nepean Mayor in 1985 and was beaten by about 15,000 votes. 
Nabil Fawzy, a second-time mayoral hopeful came in fifth and polled 
just 529 votes in 1985. 
Globe & Mail, Robert Sheppard
Bids to halt debates filed in two courts
Two separate courts are being asked to stop next week's televised 
debates between the leaders of the three main federal parties unless 
they are opened up to other candidates. 
The Green Party of Canada is planning to file papers today in the SCO 
asking for a special hearing tomorrow or Monday. Meanwhile, another 
court has also been asked to issue an injunction stopping the debates 
by a different individual, acting as an independent voter. John 
Turmel, an Ottawa-based economist and perennial gadfly in any number 
of election contests, has been granted a special hearing by the 
Federal Court of Canada on Monday. He was twice turned down in the 
1984 campaign when he tried to gain access to the televised debates 
for him and other fringe party leaders. This time he is applying for 
an injunction against one of the networks carrying the debate (cut out 
of Ottawa Globe): arguing he is being denied the pertinent views of 
all the other parties running for office."
Welland Tribune, Pat Barevich
Try, try again; Turmel takes a gamble in Welland-Thorold by-election
WELLAND -- An Ottawa engineer, visiting Welland for the second time in 
his life, is running as an independent candidate. John Turmel says the 
present banking system should be replaced with an interest-free system 
of "barter" to solve the problems of "underfunding and pollution."
The 37-year-old Carleton University graduate said he would consider 
getting his "message across and abolishing interest" to be a victory, 
Nov. 3. "Monetary reform is my answer, because all major problems come 
down to the lack of funding." His solution to environmental pollution 
would be "work bees" where unemployed people would be paid with tax 
credits, rather than currency, to work on the problems of pollution. 
Turmel sees interest on money, or usury, as the root of all evil. 
"Industry must always pay the interest first, before paying to clean 
up the environment." Turmel's solution is to create an interest-free 
system, akin to that used in poker, "where money "chips" are backed up 
with collateral. As fast as men clean the environment or produce goods 
and services, token money should be issued to them like a receipt, for 
the work, which they can then use as interest-free currency. 
Although Turmel, who lives in Ottawa, says no one will "catch me 
knocking on doors" in Welland, he is committed to attending every "all 
candidates meeting." Turmel is also running in federally in Ottawa 
Centre and for mayor of Ottawa. This is his "third" triple election, 
since 1979 and his 27th, 28th and 29th attempt at public office.
Welland Guardian Express, Dave Edgar 
Independent candidate parachutes into riding Independent candidate 
John `The Engineer' Turmel has announced his intention to run. His 
primary concern is with the environment. "We could be using paper cups 
instead of Styrofoam which destroys the ozone shield. We could be 
developing wind, tidal, geothermal and solar energy instead of using 
oil, gas and coal which pollute and cause the greenhouse effect which 
we are just starting to experience. He blames the financial system, 
particularly interest charges on money, for creating a situation that 
places profit ahead of people. He said he has discovered a perfect 
model for a banking system with flexibility allowing for a clean 
The former gambling instructor compares his banking model to a poker 
game. "As fast as new collateral is pledged, new chips are issued. All 
chips are backed up with collateral and cannot inflate. Similarly, as 
fast as men clean up the environment or produce goods and services, 
money should be issued like a receipt for work which can be traded. 
These money receipts should be withdrawn from circulation as fast as 
the work is purchased and consumed. Money would then also be backed 
with collateral and could not inflate. 
Turmel said the re-engineering of the banking system would require 
only "a reprogramming of the banking system's software." 
Turmel is involved in a court battle, attempting to halt the televised 
debate among the three main federal party leaders next week. Convinced 
that the three parties are incapable of providing a workable solution 
to our environmental problems, Turmel said "I want to hear from all of 
the political candidates." 
Ottawa Citizen, Jane Armstrong
Taking on Durrell not an easy task
They're not household names. But Michael Bartholomew, John Kroeker, 
Nabil Fawzy and John Turmel want Ottawa Mayor Jim Durrell's job. They 
are not running typical election campaigns. Most are eager to debate 
Durrell but no meetings have been set. 
Turmel is an engineer who calls himself a professional gambler and 
works in desk-top publishing. He is going to print up brochures but 
they won't mention Ottawa because they are also being used in other 
areas where he is seeking election. An ardent advocate of issuing tax 
credits for work, he's already run in 26 federal, provincial and 
municipal elections, since 1979 and he's running in two other races 
besides seeking the Ottawa mayoralty. Turmel, who is single, ways 
environmental problems and other social ills could be eliminated under 
his new brand of Social Credit. "When acid rain is coming through the 
roof and toxic waste is coming out of the tap, then maybe people are 
going to take me seriously. 
Ottawa Citizen
Durrell cites lack of meetings
Ottawa Mayor Jim Durrell said Wednesday he would be happy to 
participate in all-candidates' debates for the mayoralty. But none 
have been arranged yet. Several ratepayers' associations are 
sponsoring meetings for  aldermanic candidates but none have invited 
the four mayoralty candidates, Durrell said. None of his competitors 
have municipal experience and Durrell is expected to win handily. 
Community activists say the fault lies partly with the city for 
discontinuing its sponsorship of all-candidates meetings.
Welland Guardian , David Edgar
Niagara college hosts debate
Turmel tried to outline an alternative position to that of the other 
candidates. On the environment, he suggested that the government pay 
people to clean up the environment. On the hospital crisis, Turmel 
began by explaining that the system, as it exists, is incapable of 
solving the hospital crisis. He said that the people must examine his 
platform of "people service instead of interest service" if there is 
any hope of dealing with any one of our numerous crises. 
Turmel said that with all the problems we are facing, Sunday shopping 
didn't rank high on his list of priorities, however, he supports 
Sunday shopping. On drugs, Turmel said drugs should be treated like 
alcohol and that it could be a matter for the LCBO. Turmel believes 
monetary reform is the most pressing issue Canadians must face. 
Ottawa Sun, David Gamble
Turmel says he can solve the country's financial problems by 
abolishing interest rates, legalizing gambling and issuing tax credit 
notes to unemployed workers. Turmel, who is also running federally in 
Ottawa Centre and in a provincial by-election in the Niagara area, 
could not be reached for comment.
Ottawa Citizen, Nicole Baer
Grade 8 students impress Ottawa Centre candidates
Three federal election candidates strolled into a Grade 8 classroom 
smack into a barrage of sophisticated questions. For two hours, the 
mainstream party candidates fielded questions. The only hitch, 
according to Derek McKee, 13, was that the riding's seven independent 
and fringe party candidates were not invited. "You have to let people 
know that there are more than just three choices." 
Carleton University Charlatan, Tracey Fyfe
A candidate who was charged with assault after being jumped by an 
angry voter on Tuesday has promised to sit down for his right to speak 
to voters of Carleton university Thursday night. "If they try to take 
away my democratic right to speak in public, all I can say is they 
better have an Ottawa police officer there to take me away" said John 
Turmel on Wednesday night. 
Carleton student's association is hosting a federal candidate debate 
but has only invited the representatives from the three major parties 
to participate.
Turmel graduated from the Carleton engineering program in 1976. "I'm 
going to show up at that debate. Do you think if it goes to a vote 
that the students would vote against letting me speak? Wouldn't that 
be something, not being allowed to speak at my own alma mater? CUSA is 
corrupting the democratic ideal by not inviting the independents so 
speak. I don't think CUSA is fit to be the representatives of the 
students. I think they make horrible representatives."
Turmel attended a debate at Glebe. Only Plamondon, Cassidy and Harb 
were invited to speak. Turmel demanded the right to speak. The 
audience voted against letting Turmel and the other independent 
candidates speak but Turmel climbed up onto the stage, sat down and 
refused to move. Glebe resident Larry Motuz jumped on stage and tried 
to make a citizen's arrest of Turmel. "I've been known for being 
arrested for gambling and for being arrested for sitting down and 
protesting but I have never used physical violence... I'm used to 
beating up my opponents intellectually. It's a miscarriage of justice. 
He was assaulting me but I got charged," said Turmel, who said on his 
lawyer's advice he would be suing Motuz for assault. 
After Turmel was taken away, some observers suggested the incident was 
a set-up. "I thought too that it might have been a set-up. If it was, 
they did a damn good job. All people will be reading is that `Turmel 
got arrested' and they will not see the truth until after the 
election." Turmel said he is determined to defend his rights to speak 
about the issues to voters at the university. "I won't tell you 
exactly what my plans are but you know from history what I do when 
people try to deny me my rights. They can't cheat me of my right to 
speak. If they try, they better have a cop there to take me away." 
Turmel said the Tories and the NDP combined forces to prevent the 
independent candidates from speaking Tuesday night. "Next they'll 
probably vote democratically to prevent the Liberal candidates from 
speaking. CUSA, not inviting me, I guess they're all learning to be 
good Tories and NDPers. CUSA executives were not available for 
She certainly did a great job of describing the actual events. It 
really made CUSA look bad. 
Ottawa Citizen, Nicole Baer
Scuffle disrupts candidate meeting; police charge Ottawa Centre fringe 
Picture of Motuz on the floor and my with my arm up holding on to my 
hat but possibly looking like I was about to strike him. 
Both: A meeting of the federal candidates in Ottawa Centre 
disintegrated into bedlam Tuesday as hundreds of shouting voters 
quarreled over the right of the fringe candidates to participate. 
Perennial candidate John Turmel was charged with assault by police 
after a scuffle with Glebe resident Larry Motuz. Turmel refused to 
leave Glebe Collegiate auditorium following a 147-121 vote to keep 
three fringe candidates off the stage. 
Liberal candidate Mac Harb who supported the fringe candidates right 
to participate stormed out of the meeting. He called the vote 
"despicable, the most incredible thing I have ever seen. They are 
official candidates and they should have the right to take part." 
Brian Jonah, president of the Glebe Community Association which 
organized the debate, said he only invited the three mainstream party 
candidates because inviting all 10 would have made the meeting 
unwieldy. But he opened to a general vote the question of allowing the 
three fringe candidates present to take part. After the vote, Turmel, 
now in his 29th election campaign, marched onto the stage and told the 
audience it had taken away his democratic right to speak. "I paid my 
money to become a candidate, got my signatures, so I feel I have a 
right to speak to my supporters." 
Final: The remarks were met my some cheers and some boos. 
Both: Eventually, the stage curtain was lowered cutting Turmel off 
from view
Capital: and the scuffle began. 
Final: But behind the curtain, Motuz berated Turmel for flouting the 
democratic of the meeting and threatened him with citizen's arrest. "I 
can't stand it when someone doesn't listen to what the electorate 
says," an arm-waving Motuz shouted. The two got involved in a shoving 
match. A short while later, after refusing requests to leave, Turmel, 
a 37-year-old engineer and gambler, was escorted away by police and 
charged with assault after the shoving match in which Motuz landed on 
the floor. Turmel is to appear in court on Nov. 9.
Both: Michael Hahn, another independent candidate, said he was 
disappointed by the audience's decision. "I have been all over the 
world and I have never seen such an undemocratic process." 
Capital: Ottawa Centre is in the capital of Canada and it should be 
standing up as an example of how the democratic process should be." 
Both: Hahn and Green Party candidate John Dodson remained in their 
seats for the rest of the debate. Plamondon who abstained from the 
vote, said the community association has a right to run a meeting as 
it chooses. Ottawa Centre resident John Dickson said Harb should have 
remained to debate. "The views of the majority must stand," he said.
Capital: Hilary Girt, also of Centretown, said she voted to allow the 
fringe candidates because she wanted to listen to the Green Party 
position. But she said she was satisfied that the vote was fair. 
Both: Libertarian Party candidate Rudolph Sally, who did not attend 
the meeting, said he stayed away because he was not invited. 
Capital: "If people want to discriminate by inviting only three 
candidates, they should be free to do so," he said. 
Both: Other fringe candidates in the riding are independent Hardial 
Baines, the Rhinoceros Party's Liz Johnson and Istvan Kovach of the 
Commonwealth of Canada Party. The dispute over participation set the 
tone for the rest of the meeting, which was punctuated by bitter 
Capital: and the departure of many disappointed people. An informal 
coalition representing various community associations, churches, and 
food banks protested poverty, hunger and homelessness.
Final: Many of the loudest interjections came from members of the 
Dalhousie Network, who had marched from St. Luke's Anglican Church on 
Somerset West. 
Carleton University Charlatan, Adam Brown
Candidates silenced by democracy
Picture of Harb with hand up, Cassidy glum and Plamondon saying cheese 
for the camera.
A federal candidate was wrestled to the ground by an irate spectator 
at a candidates meeting. John Turmel was charged with assault. Turmel 
staged a sit-in protest after the audience voted to let only the three 
mainstream candidates speak at the forum. When Turmel refused to leave 
the stage, audience member Larry Motuz rushed up and wrestled with him 
in an attempt to tear the microphone from his hand. "I have a right to 
stay here and I'm not leaving," shouted Turmel as he struggled with 
Motuz. Approximately 10 minutes later, Ottawa police charged Turmel 
with assault and threw him out of the hall. Motuz was not charged. 
The audience voted 147 to 121 bar all fringe candidates from speaking 
alongside the others. "I paid my money, I got my signatures so I could 
speak to the voters and no one is voting away that right," yelled 
Liberal Mac Harb stormed out of the hall in protest of the vote. He 
said he would not participate in a debate where certain candidates 
were excluded. "I left the debate because I strongly believe that this 
issue touched the soul and the heart of every Canadian. If we allow 
them to run we should give them the right to speak." 
Michael Cassidy said "I think it was a pretext used by Mr. Harb to 
avoid meeting some 250 to 300 Glebe residents who were here for this 
meeting. I think he had a responsibility to say what he stands for, 
what his party stands for and not to cop out on the pretext that one 
of the fringe candidates, who has caused trouble in many previous 
elections, was being denied the right to participate." 
Bob Plamondon said: "I regret that the people of Ottawa Centre did not 
have the opportunity to listen to Mr. Harb's stand on the issues. I 
think the people deserve to hear what he has to say about the issues 
that face this nation."
Harb denied he was ducking the debates. "I am, I was and I always will 
be ready to debate the issues with Cassidy and Plamondon." He would 
not say whether he will partake in an upcoming debate at Carleton 
University if fringe candidates are excluded. 
Ottawa police released Turmel on promise to appear in court at 9a.m. 
on Nov. 9. After Turmel was evicted from the hall, the debate 
continued between the NDP and Tory candidates. 
Ottawa Sun
Picture of Larry Motuz berating me with my arms crossed captioned 
"Ottawa Centre independent candidate John Turmel exchanges angry words 
with voter Larry Motuz."
It was the campaign debate to end campaign debates. Even the hecklers 
were heckled. The Grit, Tory and NDP candidates were invited to face 
off but the whole thing turned into a knock-down drag-out fight when 
three independent candidates demanded equal time. One of them, 
perennial protester John Turmel, was arrested and charged with 
assault. Mac Harb walked out of the meeting after it voted 147-121 to 
keep out the independents. "It's despicable, the most incredible thing 
I have ever seen," said Harb. But even Liberals later said "Harb, 
reluctant to get on the stage with his opponents, had been looking for 
an excuse to skip the whole thing anyway.
                     TURMEL POLITICAL PRESS 1989
Ottawa Citizen, B.C. Le Royer letter
High interest rates make no sense
The policy to remove inflationary pressures by increases in bank 
interest rates defies common sense. Interest rates are a cost of doing 
business. It that cost rises, it is transferred to the buyer or 
consumer in higher prices.
National Capital News
John Turmel on interest rates
John Crown, Governor of the Bank of Canada, tells us that raising 
interest rates fights inflation. Yet, in his statement in this 
edition, Mr. James McCambly, President of the Canadian Federation of 
Labor, states "high interest rates are themselves inflationary as 
increased business costs are passed on to Canadians..."
This is an example of "double-speak" described by George Orwell in 
`1984.' It is the ability to accept two contradictory points of view 
as both true. In Economics, it is the ability to accept that interest 
rates both cause and fight inflation. Actually, Mr. McCambly's 
statement is true and John Crow's is not. It is obvious to anyone that 
increasing costs will raise, not lower, prices. With such obvious 
proof that Mr. Crow's statement is untrue, why do Canadians accept it?
This is an example of the Big Lie. If enough respected people repeat a 
Big Lie, others accept it only on the strength that so many other 
people believe it. The Big Lie is repeated daily in our newspapers, 
radio and television stations to justify the interest rates we are 
subjected to. But note that those who repeat the Big Lie are usually 
in the position of collecting interest and benefiting from increased 
interest rates.
Just like in the fable of the "King with no clothes," everyone 
accepted that the naked king had clothes on because everyone else was 
admiring them. Just like the child who exposed the truth for all to 
see by stating "The king has no clothes," I expose the truth by 
stating that "Raising interest rates raises prices and does not fight 
inflation." Anyone who says it lowers prices is telling a Big Lie.
Ottawa Citizen, Bob Marleau
Trespass charge dropped
The Crown has decided not to proceed on the trespass charge that was 
laid against John Turmel in connection with an Ottawa Centre 
candidate's meeting in last fall's federal election campaign. 
The charges were formally halted in Provincial Offences Court as a 
result of a settlement reached between Mr. Turmel and the Glebe 
Community Association, the group which staged the candidate's debate 
at Glebe High School. 
A scuffle had developed at the meeting when Turmel, an independent 
candidate, refused to leave the meeting at which only candidates of 
the three major parties had been invited to participate. Turmel had 
also been charged under the criminal code with assaulting Glebe 
resident Larry Motuz at the meeting during the scuffle at the head 
table. That charge was dropped in November after the Crown's office 
viewed a videotape of the scuffle. The Glebe Community Association 
recently recommended that the trespass charge laid under the Trespass 
to Property Act be withdrawn.
Ottawa Sun, 
Glebe, Turmel settle dispute
John Turmel, the man who has run for more offices in Ottawa than most 
parliamentarians, has been cleared of trespassing charges. The charge 
was lain in connection with a rowdy town-hall meeting during the 1988 
federal election campaign. 
In Provincial Offences Court Thursday, the Crown recommended the 
charges be dropped after a settlement was reached between Turmel and 
the Glebe Community Association, organizers of the Nov. 1 meeting.
A scuffle broke out at the meeting after Turmel, and independent 
candidate for Ottawa Centre, refused to leave the stage. Officials of 
the Association told Turmel only candidates from the three major 
parties would be heard. Turmel argued he had a right to air his views.
Turmel was also running for mayor of Ottawa at the time.. The board of 
the Glebe Community Association recently recommended the charges be 
Ottawa Citizen, Jack Aubrey
4 mayoral candidates, 3 others breached city's by-election bylaw
All four of Ottawa Mayor Jim Durrell's opponents breached the city's 
election bylaw, says a city report. John Turmel, Nabil Fawzy, John 
Kroeker and Michael Bartholomew failed to file a candidate's report to 
the city clerk on their expenditures and contributions.
Turmel, who also run in the federal and a provincial by-election in 
the fall, said he did file a report and will look into the matter 
Monday. He said he spent only $40 on his campaign. The other 
candidates could not be reached for comment.
Ottawa Sun, Fred Ennis
Fringe didn't file, Jimbo's rivals could lose again
Remember the guys that ran against Mayor Jimbo during the last 
municipal election? Well, most of the failed to report their expenses 
to the city clerk. None received substantial votes and they were 
commonly referred to as "fringe" candidates.
The city does not normally prosecute such violations but they will if 
someone launches a formal complaint. The best news of all is that such 
scofflaws can be barred from running in the next municipal election if 
they are convicted. 
So, who's going to step forward and launch a prosecution?
Why doesn't the gutless wimp launch it himself?
Ottawa Citizen, UPI
Bran combats cancer: study
WASHINGTON -- A study provides scientific evidence that a daily 
regimen of wheat bran decreases the risk of colon cancer. "The results 
of this nutritional intervention trial are promising."
The Card Player, Arnold `The Bishop' Snyder
Blackjack in Canada
Gambling (casino and otherwise) is legal all over Canada though most 
of it is strictly regulated by the government. Jake Smallwood recently 
sent me a news clipping from Ottawa which reported that a man who was 
running a high-stakes blackjack game in his hotel room was found not 
guilty because all players had an opportunity to deal, indicating a 
fair game. Social gambling is legal throughout the country, without 
much regulation. Various forms of poker are played socially for high 
stakes. Most of the blackjack games are in legal casinos.
Ottawa Citizen
`100 million children need not die': Military spending costs for one 
day could save them, says UNICEF
U.N. -- Most of the 100 million children who are expected to die in 
the 1990s could be saved for the amount of money U.S. cigarette 
companies spend on advertising or the Soviets spend on vodka. 
The projected deaths are expected to result from malnutrition, 
dehydration, pneumonia, measles, tetanus and whooping cough. Low-cost 
preventative treatment would cost about $2.5 billion a year. The world 
spends that much each day on the military. Developing countries spend 
half of that.
Spending on the military deprives Third World families of basic 
nutrition and health care. The cost of immunizing all these children 
would be about $3 billion a year. If present trends continue, more 
than 100 million children will die needlessly in the next decade.
To mobilize the political will to solve these problems in the 1990s, 
UNICEF is calling for a World Summit for Children for world leaders to 
tackle this major social issue. More than 100 countries have endorsed 
the summit idea. "It is time the needs of children were given this 
kind of priority."

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