Date: Fri Mar 14 00:50:21 1997
Subject: TURMEL: Dr. Peter North, LETS PhD & LETS LOIS software
     Considering the discussions of technical difficulties some people 
have with LETS, I offer two new information sources. I was very 
pleased to read the following article on the econ-lets listserv:
     PN: Date: Thu Feb 27 12:03:58 1997
From: ("P.J.North")
Subject: PhD on LETS 
     People might be interested to learn that the first PhD on LETS 
has been passed today! Thanks to everyone in LETSLink UK, LETSGo, and 
LETS in Manchester that helped me get there. Thanks and respect. 
Yours (now) Dr. Pete North
     JCT: Not only are there more LETS PhDs being worked on at the 
moment but some software programmers have seen the potential market 
for an easy-to-use Windows version. I always knew software developers 
would someday see the market for an easy-to-use, lots of bells-and-
whistles, software package around the core LETS accounting equation. 
This is an ad Pauline picked up in the UK at a LOIS "LETS Office 
Integration System" software demonstration. I've heard that his 
package is selling and he's certainly might be able to answer any 
difficulties which recent technical discussions on LETS seem to infer. 
                   (LETS Office Integration System)
     LOIS is a powerful new Windows-based PC software package which 
has been designed for quick and easy LETS scheme administration. 
Further development of the system will take place taking particular 
account of the feedback received from users of the software. LOIS is 
available to help with all your LETS scheme administration functions 
- Members
- Services
- Member Services
- Transactions
- Accounts
- Reports
Look and Feel:
     LOIS is an intuitive menu-driven application. From the main menu, 
you can easily access all functions. Even first time computer users 
will find LOIS extremely easy to use and it comes complete with on-
line help facilities. 
     Information can be stored on all the members on the scheme 
including name, address, phone numbers, current balance, joining and 
renewal details, etc. 
     The Services section contains information about all the services 
that are offered or wanted by members of the scheme. A hierarchical 
system has been implemented whereby all offers and wants are divided 
into groups, categories and services to allow easy entry and analysis 
of information. The system has been designed to accommodate over 700 
Member Services:
     The member services section provides an easy point of entry to 
edit the wants and offers of each member. Search facilities are 
provided to find the most appropriate group, category and service for 
each offer. 
     All transactions that are carried out by the members can be 
entered and stored within the system. The transactions screen has been 
designed to make it as easy as possible to look up information about 
members and services. 
     It is possible to view the trading details for each member of the 
scheme. This screen has been based on the bank statement format that  
most people will be familiar with. 
     A range of reports has been included to allow information stored 
within the system to be output to the screen, a printer of exported to 
a file. This includes the production of a directory containing all the 
services offered by each member. 
Training and Consultancy
     In addition to supplying the software, training and consultancy 
can be provided at a reasonable cost to assist in all aspects of LETS 
software and computer systems. 
                      ***** Special Offer *****
     The cost of the software will be #125 but until the end of March, 
1997, it is available at the special introductory price of #100.
     For more information, contact:
Jerry Vahrman, LOIS Software
10 Filton Ave., Horfield, Bristol, BS7 0AG, 
Tel: (0117) 951-3971, Email:
     So there are two people who might be of help to any who are 
having difficulty with LETS. 

Send a comment to John Turmel
