From: (John Turmel)
Subject: TURMEL: LETS by email; more LETS politicians elected
Date: Tue May  6 06:01:56 1997

From: (Letsnet Gateway)
Subject: re: WebLETS software?
To: (econ-lets)
Date: Sun May  4 12:21:17 1997
SS> FROM: (Simon Dudley)
SS> It strikes me that a LETSystem could operate far more effectively
SS> if exchanges between LETS members could registered via the
SS> internet, thus saving much time and energy in management over
SS> traditional paper-based, non-networked systems.
SS> Does anyone know of any LETS websites where exchanges can be
SS> registered?
AC: In the last week or so, members of LETS-Net have launched a cyber-
LETS project looking at running a LETS system by e-mail.
     JCT: Wonderful. Open an account for your Local Authority and tell
them about it.

AC: Moreover we are looking at services that can be offered via a
network (and not necessarily the internet). Services such as proof
reading, preparing holiday itineraries, and trawling the web for data,
are three ideas that spring to mind.
     JCT: Good start. Email payments for more tangible trades will
soon follow.

AC: The project is still very much in its infancy, but no doubt a
report will be submitted to econ-lets in due course. FYI LETS-Net is a
UK based network of Bulletin Board Systems, which is devoted to all
aspects of LETS, and other community based activities.
     JCT: And then you can inform your whole membership database that
it's there if they choose to use it.

AC: LETS-Net can be accessed free of charge by anyone running a basic
terminal emulator (such as QModem or TELIX), or a more permanent
network link can be offered using fido or QWKmail technology.
Please stay in touch, and I will keep you informed about cyber-LETS.
You can reach me via econ-lets, or LETS-Net, or via the internet as (Allen Coates)
NETS-Net Network Co-ordinator.
     JCT: Make your payments-system work for email accounts in your
locality and it will prove they it can work for email accounts
anywhere in the world.

From: Rob Follett
From: (Letsnet Gateway)
Subject: Re: After the crash: what now for LETS in the UK?
To: (econ-lets)
Date: Sun May  4 12:22:22 1997
RF: Any government with an avowed commitment to "rebuilding society",
(famously declared by Mrs Thatcher to be non-existent) should
recognise the part LETS has to play in this. I believe the first step
would be to press for modification of the benefits laws which at
present can discourage the unemployed from trading on LETS. As I
understand it, LETSlink UK are already taking steps in this direction.
     JCT: I'd be pushing government to join. Then no one would have to
spend time pushing that legislation.

RF: The newly elected MP (Labour) for the Falmouth & Camborne
constituency here in Cornwall is a member of Falmouth LETS - the
previous incumbent, on seeing our group's stall at a YMCA sale, went
out of his way to avoid any contact with us whatsoever, so this must
surely be a great improvement!
     JCT: Wonderful news which should be of use to us in our Canadian
election. Considering 3 New Zealand Party leaders in Parliament
endorse LETS, several UK parties endorse LETS, several Canadian
parties endorse LETS and the Australian Parliament has supported LETS,
the LETS elected-politicians database is building.

RF: The new MP for St.Ives in Cornwall (Lib-Dem) has done a great deal
of work in the past for local community groups as leader of the County
Rural Community Council, and has also attended meetings of our county
development group (Cornwall LETS Forum).
     JCT: Since the Liberal Democrats have passed two policy papers
promoting LETS, I think it's safe to add another MP to the list. Too
bad we don't know his name.

PN: I see four possible scenarios for LETS development in the UK.
RF: All 4 read with interest, and I imagine a combination of all 4 is
likely. Best wishes, Rob Follett, Falmouth LETS
also on LETSnet...
BBS:    LETS Forum +44 (0) 1326 378717, 24hrs

     JCT: But one global clearinghouse for all the world's smaller
branches is best.

Send a comment to John Turmel
