I received a submission fro Marc Gauvin, one of Canada's early
Abolitionists. In the early 1980s, I used to picket the Bank of Canada
every Thursday when they would set the new interest rate. Once it was
explained to him how interest created a death-gamble, he immediately
joined us on the picket line for years thereafter and also joined in
running in elections to spread the word of how an interest-free system
works. I'm pleased to publish his article here though I would rather
he join our listserv's discussions by following the instructions at
the end of his piece.
Date: Sat Feb 13 04:03:08 1999
From: gauvien@jet.es (Marc Gauvin)
Subject: (no subject)
To: johnturmel@yahoo.com
Dear John:
You may publish this note along with my invitation for anyone to
return their comments to you and me.
As you know, I have dedicated an important part of my life to
arguing against the contemporary notion of money, I have also written
"Protocols for Sane Economic Exchange" (attached is a copy).
My conclusion after banging my head against the wall is the
The current nature of money presents a purely abstract idea (credit,
units of exchange, debt) in a an even more abstract and what is more
artificial context (contemporary economic theory (excluding yours
and like minded thinking)) that presupposes the mathematical notion
of infinite growth. In nature, there are no exponential functions,
what there is of course is logistic curves (such as the expansion of
micro organism population in a limited environment) which describes
an exponential that is curbed by the limitations imposed on the
growth by the environment (this is called the carrying capacity).
The most dangerous aspect of contemporary monetary policy, is that it
induces the modern social and industrial complex to operate in such a
fashion that it and we the constituents effectively ignore the
carrying capacity. This is best illustrated in the way industry
behaves regarding the environment, and other sectors of prime social
concern. Furthermore, this ignorance has a profound effect on our
minds, or at least the minds of those who's natural gifts do not
allow for them to obtain money easily (i.e. they don't have the
talent of walking into a room with a deck of cards and leaving with
all the money). I have found that this mental block is a formidable
obstacle, as most of us who try to overcome it find that to some
degree or other the risk of martyrdom increases substantially.
This brings me to the central point of my message, money (usury
bearing that is) is probably the most powerful narcotic ever known to
man. It has all the trappings of a highly addictive substance such
abundance gives rise to a spectacular but short lived euphoria and
lack of a sufficient dose leads to depression and abhorant behaviour;
one dose leads to the desire of greater subsequent doses (to maintain
the short lived euphoria); users link their physical integrity and
maintenance thereof to not only its availibility but even the
prospect of such availibility; finally, there is no other substance
or commodity that compares with it in regard to the unleashing of the
most negative and darkest facets of human behaviour.
We may argue forever on the design of the system but all less the
most affected victims of this disease would not deny the above. So
what we are contemplating in reality is a pandemic illness that few
have the courage or resources to face and most are too subdued by it
to even recognize their affliction. The crooked thinking you so often
allude to, stems from the natural desire for people to suppress the
memory or in some cases the very knowledge of the abhorent deeds
(large or small) that they have undertaken under the vise grip of
their terrible affliction. Teaching a child to become a winner in
this society without exceptional recourse to natural gifts (such as
those you have) is paramount to administering his first fix of heroin.
I believe that we are all to some degree afflicted as the spread of
the disease is National/International Policy, and I believe that
interest free systems such as LETS and many others, assist and may if
we persevere, eliminate the disease. It may be to the economy what
vitamin C is to scurvy. However, it is my conviction that we are
treating a devastating illness and that the only magic that we have
is our ability to Love and Forgive and Understand the suffering that
all that are afflicted are subject to, this includes the very wealthy.
Recently, I have read the works of the Dalai Lama and find that the
Buhddist approach to defining the purpose and challenge of existence
in this realm as a sentient being has been most helpful. I suggest
the following titles, "The Joy of Living and Dying in Peace", "The
Path to Freedom" and "Awakening the Mind and Lightenning the Heart".
It is not because of the economic content of the writings that I
suggest them, but rather as a first step to dealing with the disease.
I applaud as always your devotion and believe in your sincerity. I
can say that, because with your talents you could have become a
monster as so many have in the past, but you have chosen as few have
to dedicate your vital energy to what you believe is in everyones
best interest.
In summary, the disease has to be dealt with and the cure of the
cause can only come when the afflicted recognize their illness (you
can`t cure an alcoholic unless he accepts that he is one). To do so,
you have to foment the desire for a life that is not under control of
the disease and to do that you have to bring to the surface the
suffering that is common to all the afflicted (not just that of the
most afflicted physically), that is the spiritual void that the
disease creates in the individual. That is the void that kills the
love of a parent for his/her children, brothers and sisters,
community and most importantly the void that kills the love of
As always I pray for our success and that I can have the joy of
seeing you, Pauline, Theresa, Ray and friends soon. Love,
Your brother Marc
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