jim blair (jeblair@facstaff.wisc.edu) writes:
> Dracus wrote:
>>.. I asked "Why doesn't a country increase
its welfare by having
>> more money printed?" and the answer
that I got was that it
>> has something to do with inflation,
> Yes. See my web page MONEY & INFLATION
files in the economics section.
> There are several essays and explanations
there; they should answer your
> questions. In certain circumstances
they SHOULD "print more money". But
> not as always. Or better, "more than
It all depends on whether you believe
that inflation is an
increase in the money supply, Shift A,
or whether it is an
decrease in the collateral backing up
the existing money supply,
Shift B.
See my next post
TURMEL: Flaherty's Debt Virus Antidote
is No Cure
In it, I explain why injecting more money
brings down
inflation Shift B.